Movie review - Locke


Ivan Locke (Tom Hardy) receives a phone call on the eve of the biggest challenge of his career that sets in motion a series of events that threaten everything in life he values.

Tom Hardy - Ivan Locke

Hardys scenes were shot over 5 nights in the car with 3 cameras always rolling.

Thats a toughy cause its not one of those types of films. But i did love the film..

This is a proper movie this is what a movie is ment to be about. Story telling after all movies are just the new version of books and books are just story telling no big cast no fancy effect just story telling. And this just rocks it for me knocks it right out the park.

The story is simplistically perfect. Its got some suspense at the start and makes for a good bit of light comedy as well as a strange tone like more is going on than what we know and see but thats whats brillant about it i dont need a fucking back story or origins story you can just watch and enjoy. I wont give much away to the story as it is a smaller style film and story but it is great to watch it all play out.

Directing wise the director Steven Knight has got to be happy with this. For a film that probably cost less than a million it doesnt look cheap and going into watch it i was afraid it would be like cheap cameras and dodgy shaky shit and just not up to scratch but its not. Its one of those films thats gonna be a watch and study for any young film makers.

If your into shit films like HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL(2006) or only films with action like DIE HARD(1988) then fuck off but if you are a movie fan all genres then give this a watch a highly recommend it if only for the outstanding acting by Hardy.

You cant ever go wrong with Tom fucking Hardy but if your reading this and want to know hes the only actor in the movie. Its all about his character and his journey. The movie is low budget and was shot over 5 nights to make it look like one long car trip set at night. All the other characters in the movie are in a hotel room taking to Hardy on the phone in real time and what i mean by that is they ring him up on the car phone and act live no edit with voice over edit real time acting on the phone with them.

It had a few small faults for me and by that i mean things like fade from one scene to the next just wasnt to my liking and it may be fine to others thats just my preference. And the cast did sound like they was all on the same phone no... tone difference between them but other than that what a great film to watch.

Best quote: "well get a pen?".

85 mins long. cert 18. 2013

This gets 8 out of 10 on my finger scale.